What Communion Means to Me
Many Catholics are concerned about the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops’ plan to draft a letter that may limit the ability of prochoice and pro-equality Catholic politicians, including President Biden, from receiving Communion. We do not believe that the Eucharist, the most sacred gift Jesus left us, should be used to punish anyone from following their consciences on matters that are important to them, even if that leads them to believe differently from what the bishops teach.
In the weeks leading up to the bishops’ vote on this letter in November, we are inviting Catholics to reflect on what Communion means to us. What importance does Communion have in your life? How does it link to your commitment to the Gospel? Have you ever witnessed someone being denied Communion? What was that like? What would you like to say to the bishops of the Catholic church in the U.S.?
You can submit a written reflection, an image, a photo, an audio file, or a video below. Your input will help shape a peaceful, faith-filled witness during the bishops’ meeting this Fall, and will help inform them about what Catholics think about this controversial letter.