Membership in COR
Membership in COR is open to any group whose constituency is primarily Catholic, and whose mission includes working to change unjust structures and practices in the Roman Catholic Church. The 1990 "Call to Reform" statement and the 1997 "We Are Church" Referendum are expressions of that mission. National, regional and local groups are welcome to participate. It includes groups which model what a reformed church might look like even if they do not actively take on a specific reform agenda. Membership in COR presupposes solidarity across the spectrum of diversity in the reform groups. COR is a forum which fosters dialogue and relational cooperation for the mutual benefit of the member organizations.
COR provides a space where Catholics can talk, seek understanding and hopefully, reach consensus. Joint actions can be mounted, joint positions taken, but in each instance one or more member groups take the initiative and present the proposal to all other member groups, who then choose individually whether to be associated with that initiative. This preserves the autonomy and diversity of the member organizations, which differ considerably in the range of issues they choose to address. This principle is at the heart and soul of being Catholic.
Organizations interested in becoming members of COR, please fill out the form below and someone from the membership committee will contact you.