BREAD not stones.
Calling on U.S. Bishops to more pastoral and less political
As Catholics, we know it is wrong to weaponize Sacraments.. Especially the Eucharist.
Join fellow Catholics on November 15th at the USCCB Assembly in Baltimore, MD as we gather together in peaceful and prayerful witness to call for bread, not stones – healing, not harm.
As the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops prepares to gather for their fall meeting, fellow Catholics call on them to stop acting like culture warriors and political operatives and start behaving like shepherds and healers. The U.S. Catholic bishops are ignoring the real needs of those whom our faith calls us to prioritize – and playing politics instead.
We call on them to be more pastoral and less political. At their spring meeting earlier this year, the bishops discussed whether to increase pressure in their ranks to deny Holy Communion to President Joseph R. Biden and other prominent Catholics who support abortion rights and equal treatment under the law for LGBTQ people. They are slated to vote on those recommendations at this upcoming fall meeting.
The U.S. bishops are out of touch with American Catholics and have even ignored the entreaties of Pope Francis who recently revealed that he has not denied anyone communion. As Catholics, we know it is wrong to weaponize sacraments, especially the Eucharist.
Join fellow Catholics as we gather in witness to call for bread, not stones - healing not harm.

Monday November 15, 2021 at 1pm. Begin gathering at noon.
Downtown Baltimore in Columbus Park at the corner of Eastern Avenue and President Street.
A peaceful witness of signs, testimonies, prayer, and song.
RSVP using one of the forms below. Arrive on your own or join us by bus from NYC, Philadelphia, or Washington, DC.
Can’t Make It?
You can still be a part of our witness by sharing what the Eucharist means to you. We’ll make sure the bishops hear from you.
Sign up to Join Us.
Please use one - and only one - of the forms below to register. There are three options: arrive on your own; ride the New York City/Philadelphia Bus; or ride the Washington, DC bus.
New York/Philadelphia Bus
The bus will depart from Penn Station at 7:30am and will will pick up additional passengers at the 30th St. Station in Philadelphia at 9:00am. The whole group will arrive at the witness site in Baltimore, MD at approximately 12 noon. The bus will return by way of Philadelphia to NYC after the witness. Bus passengers must be fully vaccinated and wear a mask while on the bus. The bus will have a capacity of 40 total passengers. *Please submit one form per passenger, even if you are riding together.
Washington, DC Bus
The bus will depart from Union Station at 11:00am, arriving at the witness site in Baltimore, MD at approximately 12 noon. The bus will return to Washington, DC after the witness. Bus passengers must be fully vaccinated and wear a mask while on the bus. The bus will have a capacity of 40 total passengers. *Please submit one form per passenger, even if you are riding together.
Arrive on Your Own
We will begin gathering in Columbus Park at the corner of Eastern Avenue and President Street, Baltimore at 12 noon. The witness begins at 1pm. Parking is available nearby.
Wait List
If the bus you had hoped to be on is full, please fill out this form to be placed on the wait list. A COR team member will contact you should a spot become available for you.